Woke up this morning and it looked vile so we kind of sat about until the weather got better but forgot to check the time.
By the time we got down to the bus stop it was half past two, where had the time gone? Reuben had very terrible parents today!
So we had a little picnic at the bus stop and on the bus then named the colours of the cars and the lorries and debated if we should live on the bus forever or not. After finishing up at the college Michael and I were really unhealthy and got a subway! Where Reuben started to say bus over and over again and I thought he's maybe wanting to go home but he pointed out the b, u and s on the SUBway cup. Silly baby had got it round the wrong way! Still proud though, still mega proud! Plus, he got a super annoying balloon even though we never ordered him anything.
We then took him for a 'treat' at Poundland. Where he picked up all the toys he wanted and I never had to worry for a second what price they were. Very much enjoying the fact that Reuben is at the age where quantity win over quality!
What a lovely day even though Mr Sleepy Butt didn't sleep. But now he's in bed and I can snuggle up with my laptop and fall asleep because we have a busy few days planned ahead of us.
love from
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