Sunday, 25 August 2013

25th August - Sunny Day Walkies.

Took the camera out to get some picture for my last blog post 'Aunt Julia Come Bearing Gifts' and ended up with some really nice ones(as well as a tonne of unflattering ones of me) I want to share so I gave them their own blog post! It's just nice getting out in the sun and getting nice picture of my boys.
He played hide and seek and was just a cutiepatootie in genneral.

We looked for 'fishes' in the water.
And found a grasshopper.
Had lots of fun as usual and Reuben is up for a nap because of the endless running about he done today. Lazy day for mummy now to prepare for my first day back at college tomorrow.

love from


  1. I have a question, I'm looking into getting a new camera, well, I'm getting one for my birthday and still haven't chosen what one I want yet. I'm just wonder what you use because the pictures are always so clear! They are brilliant. X

  2. Michael got me it for my Christmas last year and I've really put it to work and fallen in love with it. comes with me everywhere even though it's a bridge camera and a bit chunky!
    It's an Olympus SP-720uz.


    1. Thanks! I'm just really looking for a new one, mine has just broke completely and I have no idea why! Wanting one so that when the little one is here I can get lots of good photos! X


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