Friday, 3 January 2014

Reuben Vs The Holiday Season.

A small selection of the my favorite pictures of Reuben over the holiday season.
I know we are a bit late because we are into January now but we've ended up having quite a few different Christmases over the past while and I didn't want to have loads of different posts to upload.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Changes to Life By ZXSquecktrum.

There is not much to be honest so I am not sure why I decided this needed it's own post but here we are.
I basically want to just make this about parenting and household and health. I've posted about make up and clothing hauls and what not and I just don't feel like it's something I want to do with the blog just now. I want it to be on family life and what that means to me.

Just two more posting in my '31 Day Blog Challenge' to find out more about me than that's out the way.

So keep your eyes peeled for more posts on Reuben, tonnes of pictures, Eco Friendly household things and fun kids activities.
Which I hope will be more frequent as I plan on making a little schedule to make sure I am posting regularly.

love from

New Years Resolutions.

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